Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I had a very painful knee surgery and then was hospitalized again for other issues so this is the first time I've had the chance.
So, over the holidays, I made some holiday treats inspired by Pinterest and I thought I'd share how I made them since the Pins of the cookies did not instruct exactly how to make them.
The two projects I tried to recreate were:
Melting Snowman Cookies & Santa Hat Brownies

The Melting Snowman Cookies were definitely tougher than they looked! I didn't have time to make cookies myself, so I used store-bought sugar cookies. I put icing on the cookie in the shape of a puddle. Then I cut a marshmallow in two (harder than it sounds, I found it easier to twist apart) and placed it on the icing. Then I put the cookie in the microwave for 20 seconds on full power. When it came out, I made sure the marshmallow was sitting properly, sometimes it would slide off the cookie. Do this fast, there's a short window of time to do so. Then I let the cookie sit for a while and when it was no longer hot, I decorated similarly to the photo above. I originally tried using orange icing from the container with a small nozzel but it ran down the marshmallow so I resorted to using a corn holder (you could use anything sharp and fine) to draw the icing on myself. For the arms, mouth, scarf and buttons I used writing icing tubes.
The Santa Hat Brownies were as simple as they looked, but be warned, the strawberries over time may slip off or the cream may not stay in place. I used pre-made brownies like the ones in the photo above. I coated the top with chocolate frosting, which is a bit of a surprise since it will be hidden. Next, I put creme from a cannister (easier to do this way, believe me) and made a circle of creme in the center. Don't make it extend to the edges. When you push the strawberry down, it will spread out. Next, I cut the top off a strawberry and placed it on, as shown above. I covered the top in a small dollop. It was so easy, I made many during the party itself.
Here's a photo of the result:

Hope you enjoy! Post photos in the comments if you try them yourself :)